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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  April 12, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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we are live in oakland. what caused a car to plow into this fire hydrant? we'll show you the other damage it caused next. the family of a 15-year-old south bay girl says she was sexually assaulted and cyber bullied in the days leading up to her suicide. what we learned about what happened and the three teenage boys now facing charges. a tragedy on east bay train tracks. a game of chicken turns deadly. secretary of state kerry has arrived in south korea for what could be his critical dip diplomatic mission yet. >> good morning. it is friday, it's april 12th
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i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm tori campbell in for pam cook. let's take a look at weather and traffic. steve? >> looking pretty good. we'll take a look at things for sunday night into monday. patchy low clouds. fog is on the coast. most seems to be going north to south. a little chilly in the morning here. we will end up with sunshine 60s and 70s. steve right now 237 looks pretty good as you drive over to 880 and 101. this morning we are looking at the commute on 80 it is getting more crowded by the minute. let's go back to the desk. let's start with overnight news. ha frightening crash happened in east oakland it involves a fire hydrant, a tire shop, and suspected drunk driver. tara moriarty is joining us live. she is at 50th avenue and san leandro street. what is it like out there now? >> reporter: you can see the hole here in the cinder block where the car slammed into the
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side here. there is a bunch of debris on the sidewalk on the street you can see the water. remnant of where the the car slammed into the building here. a motorist struck the hydrant at 50th avenue and san leandro street at 2:15 this morning. the man seemed to be intoxicated but tests need to be done to confirm that. the driver n to the hospital for observation. the owners didn't want to speak on camera. as of right now the driver has not been charged with any crime but he could face dui charges. as you can imagine the water was flowing down the street but it appears there was pretty good drainage on the roadway. we don't know how fast the driver was going but if he is
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found at fault it will cost more than $10,000 to replace this fire hydrant. live in oakland i'm tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. three teens have been arrested in a sexual assault of a saratoga high school student. and that student took her own life after a photo of the assault was posted online. ktvu's claudine wong is live in san jose with information on what the victim's parents plan to say in a news conference and the changes they say they hope will result from this tragedy. >> reporter: the three boys being charged in this case are at juvenile center here in san jose this morning. each face three charges of misdemeanor and two felonies in the connection with the death of audrey pot. she committed suicide last september. her family's attorney says the sexual assault and cyber bullying led to her death. the family released the pictures of a girl who is a
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vivacious teen with an infectious laugh and a gorgeous smile. she went to a party at a friends house. the parents of that friend were out of town and she got drunk and passed out. while unconscious she was sexually assaulted and committed suicide eight days later. >> the parents were not aware of what happened to audrey until after her death. what happened in the week insuing was that she had found out what had happened to her and that photograph had been taken of the assaults. and of course she was absolutely devastated. she felt that she had no way out. these pictures were being disseminated throughout the school. possibly through text messages. and she was devastated. >> reporter: now the three boys arrested are all 16-year-old. two went to saratoga high school. one attends christopher high. the parents of audrey pot have since started a foundation in her name. they want these boys to be
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tried as adults. they are also planning a press conference for next tuesday. we understand they will talk about this case but they are also going to talk about a civil suit they are filing and about a new law that they are pushing for. that law they say would address sexual assaults and cyber bullying on teens. live in san jose claudine wong ktvu channel 2 news. time is 6:04. so far the alameda county coroners office has not told us the name of a teenage boy killed last night by an a track train. deputies say the 14-year-old was walking on the railroad tracks. they told investigators they were playing a game of chicken. the teenagers a 15-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl they were shaken up but they were not hurt. while no passiers were hurt the trains were delayed and rerouted. police want your help. they are trying to find a missing man. 34-year-old nijel jay contacted
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his family sunday. his disappearance is considered suspicious. if you have any information call hayward police. candle light vigil in san jose remembered the life of a man that was shot to death over the weekend. 37-year-old viet tran died after being shot outside of a party. members of several street gangs were at that party and some kind of disturbance broke out and the party spilled out into the streets. friends say tran had just graduated from nursing school at fresno state. >> he's just a very you know, gentle soul. big guy. tough looking guy. but beneath that he was just a very gentle soul. >> this by the way was san jose's 11th homicide investigation of the year. it is 6:06. speaking in south korea this morning secretary of state john kerry calls the ongoing threats out of north korea
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unacceptable. kerry is looking for members of south korea to learn to stop threats of north korea. details of a bipartisan immigration bill are leaking out. senate republicans and democrats expect to unvail the legislation next week. aids say the bill could deny hundreds of thousands of immigrants who are in the u.s. illegally from ever becoming citizens. only people in the country before september 31st -- december 31st, 2011 can apply for legal status and ultimately citizenship. applicants must also have jobs and financial stability and no criminal record. a teenager survived a 25- foot plunge down a hot plaza tube in hawaii. he fell into a narrow crack in the earth at hawaii volcano
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national park. her mother called 911 after he tried to jump over a railing. rescue crews repelled down to get him. he suffered only bumps and bruises. there is a dress code controversy and the focus is on the girls. the controversy is about tight fitting pants like leggings and skinny jeans. administrators say the pants are too distracting for the boys. it is 6:08. let's check in with sal. kind of friday light at this point? >> it is. i've been looking at the chp list. at first i thought something was wrong with their computer system but i also don't hear anything going on on the scanner. there you go. let's go to live pictures and show you 880 north and
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southbound. we have more than one source of information and as i see here, there is one new crash reported northbound 101 at the capital expressway that just came in a minute or two ago. the traffic is -- that crash is already on the right hand shoulder. this is a look at the westbound bay bridge. you can see traffic looks good for the most part expect in some of the outside lanes. but still not a big delay. if you are driving on 880 north and southbound, the traffic is moving well. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sal. happy friday. a few low clouds around. i'm telling you it's clearing cool to cold. in fact his just heard a nice tweet from leoy in clearlake. patchy low clouds. once we get cranked up it won't be bad. fog near the coast it got wiped out. sunny and nice to mild to warm depending on your definition. whopper of a system we had on monday that gave us that wind event has moved across the
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country leaving snow, rain, and severe weather. very cold in chicago. giants bundle up. game today it looks like they will play but it will be cloudy. and maybe a few light snow flouries with a strong wind out out to center field. it will be a brisk day. augusta a little different pattern. baseball size hail was reported in northwest georgia this morning. this line right here is very active and very close to augusta. once that goes through things look like they will be much better. for us the fog is the issue. for some but not for everybody. 42 in calistoga. mid 40s. 39-41 napa airport. a lot of 40s. a little cooler air mass this morning for most. speaking of tahoe is 29. ukiah is down to 41. redding has a little north breeze. but otherwise we are look at 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s.
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systems continue to rotate in to the northwest and go right through nevada. a stronger one is on tap late sunday into monday. but breezy windy pattern on sunday and monday. today and tomorrow 60s and 70s on the highs. sonoma 76. petaluma 74. oakland 68. 78 pittsburgh. santa clara low 70s. cupertino is in there. 60s on the coast. south san francisco mainly upper identifys and low -- upper 60s and low 70s. mostly sunny saturday and a little cool down. looks like we pick up that wind monday into tuesday. after that it will be sunny and warmer. much different weather story. tornado watches are ending in the carolinas. which is the latest area hit by a powerful storm system. tornadoes and extremely storm winds swept through the midwest. and did this to missouri and
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mississippi. strong storms went through but did not bring much damage. the storm is being blamed for three deaths. we are keeping an eye on augusta georgia where the masters are playing. time now 6:11. a lot of people here talking about a big financial deal that would have totally changed the san francisco neighborhood. a surprising new announcement from china. a brawl involving the l.a. dodgers. the scuffle that began on the field and it ended in the parking lot. look at them kids. [ sigh ]
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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6:14. new this morning secretary of state john kerry has a strong warning for north korea. he spoke earlier this morning from sowell south korea as ktvu kyla campbell reports from our washington, d.c. newsroomcarey is warning -- newsroom kerry is warning north korea it will gain nothing. >> reporter: no one in the international community is willing to recognize north korea as a nuclear state so it's time to stop the threats. kerry's first trip to south korea comes after a shocking development. a pentagon report that was supposed to be classified was mislabeled and read allowed at a hearing yesterday. now the world knows that the pentagon does fear north korea has a nuclear war head that is small enough to fit on a missile. u.s. intelligence officials have publicly played down north korea's abilities so this could
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change the game plan. officials say north korea's kim jong un is a young untested leader and there is no history to help them determine if he will follow through with his verbal threats. >> the rhetoric we are hearing from north korea is unacceptable. >> reporter: in a meeting yesterday with the united states secretary of general president obama said north korea needed to quote lower temperatures. secretary kerry will also meet with leaders from china on this trip and china is north korea's main ally. what is expected from those talks when i see you next hour. live in washington kyla campbell ktvu channel 2 news. three federal judges have ruled california's prison over crowding order will stay in effect. yesterday's rule sergeant latest set back for governor jerry brown in a continuing legal battle. the governor says california could save millions of dollars by ending the court oversight of california's prison system. however the judges support the
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earlier ruling. they say the sunt overcrowding violates the constitutions ban on cruel and unusual punishment. the police are hoping a photograph will lead them to thieves who appear to be targeting a quiet san francisco neighborhood. investigators say there have been at least five home burglaries in the forest hill neighborhood since late february. two of them happened this week. the gardener of one victim took a cell phone picture of three women walking away from a home that had just been burglarized. the police are closely examing that photo. >> it will be disseminated to all police officers throughout san francisco and that picture will show distinct body descriptions and officers will be passing calls in that area. that specific area looking for those three women. >> the police also want you to take a good close look at these pictures. if you have any information, call the police right away. it's 6:17. uc berkeley is closer to
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banning tobacco on all uc campuses by 2014. cal has created the tobacco free stirring committee. the tobacco order was issued last year by uc president mark udoff. the federal government enacted a law three decades ago to protect people needing blood transfusions during fears of h hiv the f fda banned all gay men from donating blood. coming up the big name group hoping to repeal the ban. and one gay man describes the discrimination he hears from this policy. major hockey league -- it's teaming up with you can play. it's an organization that promotes inclusion of lbgt athletes. a sharks forward tommy wing les serves on the advisory board of the group. they aim to educate players
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anisoles make sure there is a quality and are respect. a los angeles dodger's star pitchily be sidelined for two months after a big fight that cleared the benches last night. zach granke hit san diego's padre with a pitch. he charged the mound. slides with the shoulder of grankey. broke his left collarbone. he is probably out for six to eight weeks. everybody is out on the field. after the field the dodgers star matt kevin screamed at each other out in the parking
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lot. settle down. it's just baseball. it's just a game. let's check in with sal and see what is happening. >> granke should have done a scouting report. she is twice as big. it would be tossing against some guy that is -- i don't know. nevermind. let's take a look at what we have. we want to keep it nice and quiet for you. it's backed up to the middle of the parking lot which is better than it normally is at this time on a friday. usually we have a bigger backup than this. i just want to cross my fingers and hope it stays relatively quiet getting into strength. no major problems on the way into the city. we are also looking at the commute. there is no giants game in the city opinion they are aware. you don't have to worry about any huge brutal commute today or tonight. the morning commute is looking okay on the san mateo and dumbarton bridge at this hour getting across the other side of the bridge. let's go to steve.
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sal. >> yes, sir? >> giants at 11:20 this morning in chicago. it's 37 degrees and cloudy. >> wow. not baseball weather. >> no. very, very brisk pattern. we have low clouds around. temperatures kind of cool for us too. it will also drive a rather vigorous system late sunday into monday. and it looks like we will be a recipient of another wind pattern. there is the big system we had on monday. tons of snow to the north. severe weather and rain. baseball size hail reported parts of georgia this morning. chicago cloudy. 37 degrees and temperature hasn't changed in the last couple of hours. it looks like it will be that way. maybe a few snow flurries. weather in the northeast that is a pretty good line moving right to augusta. a couple hour delay but after that things should look good.
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we have a little low cloud deck in place. tahoe is 29. reno is 39. ukiah down to 41. sacramento 46. it's a cool pattern in place. for us it will be sunny and nice today. temperatures rebounding but mostly sunny. morning low clouds. mainly favoring the coast. kind of a quiet pattern. 60s and 70s coast and bay. generally around 74 and 76 for most inland areas. mostly sunny saturday and that system drives down to the north sunday. i don't think we will get any rain out of it. we will get clouds and wind cranking up on monday and windy and warmer on tuesday. time now 6:22. a bizarre death happened in seattle at a metro station. what we know about a man found unresponsive at the bottom of an escalator. plus the contest to name a new arrival at the academy of sciences.
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s 6:25. washington state officials areing the death -- are investigating the death of bell after falling on ann escalator. bell fell and his clothes got caught in an escalator. he was found unconscious and unresponsive early sunday
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morning. the department of labor and industries is investigating how his clothes became stuck. time is 6:25. blood banks often talk about a blood shortage but in 1985 the food and drug administration beganned gays from donating blood. but now more groups like the american red cross want to repeal that ban. they say medical technology now makes donations a lot safer today. >> it was embarrassing. i go in to give blood and like no you are gay. we don't want your blood. it assumes i'm hiv positive and that is not true. >> there are petitions to rethink its policies and overturn that ban. 6:26. the california academy of sciences and golden gate park is celebrating a new arrival and you can help name him. the public is invited to submit names for the new baby penguin through the end of the month. museum staff will narrow the
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admissions down to three names and the public will vote on the winner. the person who submits the winning name will receive a behind the scenes tour of the penguin -- penguin colony. let's check in with sal to see what is new in traffic. >> behave a brand new crash. northbound 85 at highway 87. we haven't put it on the maps here. all lanes are blocked northbound 85 and highway 87 with a serious injury accident. chp has just arrived on scene. they found several vehicles are involved and a transit bus. northbound 85 at 87. quickly now let's go to the sunol trade. the traffic here looks good. we'll have more coming up. let's go to steve. thank you, sir. we do have a cool pattern out there. a couple upper 30s. i know novato had one. and also clearlake. we will end up with sunshine. 60s and 70s, tori. >> thank you, steve. 6:27. another gun show at the cow palace seat for this weekend.
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why the proposal -- popular events may soon become a thing of the past. the family a 16-year-old girl says she was sexually assaulted and became victim of cyber bully. also the opening bell is just about ready to ring on wall street. we'll have the early stock numbers.
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it is 6:30. just rung the opening bell on wall street and it looks like the markets will be taking a little bit of a breather after four days and some more record territory for the dow and s & p. even though we have good news for the banks. jp morgan reported higher first quarter profits. we will smile and say good morning, to you. thank you for joining us here.
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this is ktvu channel 2 morning thinks friday, april 12th i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm tori campbell in for pam cook. >> a lot to tell you about. a suspected drunk driver is in the hospital after a frightening crash. this is what it was like at 2:00 this morning. a volkswagen slammed into a fire hydrant and then crashed into a tire and brake shop. that driver was emotional as he was handcuffed. taken to ambulance by a hospital to be checked out. no one else was hurt. a saratoga high school student takes her own life after photos of her being sexually assaulted were posted online. claudine wong is joining us live at the santa clara county juvenile justice center with more information on three arrests and how the girl's parents home to prevent this from happening again. claudine. >> reporter: the family of
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audrey pots says she was sexually assaulted and cyber bullied before she took her own life. the three 16-year-old boys that are right here are responsible and should face the gravest consequences as possible. i want to show you pictures given to us by audrey's family. on her foundation page web page created in her honor she is described as a gifted writer who likes to play piano and sing and wanted to go to college and study art. she was in the process of developing the ability to cope with this cruelty of this world. that is the girl who attended a friends party last september. >> basically what happened to audrey is that she attended a party on september 2nd of last year at one of her fellow high school students home while the parents were away. and she became intoxicated and was unconscious and during that
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time some pretty agregous acts occurred. >> reporter: in the week that followed her alleged sexual attack, the family attorney says pictures of it started making its way through the high school via text messages and then the following monday audrey committed suicide. it was only after her death that her parents learned about what happened. it was only yesterday that an investigation by school resource officers that the three boys were taken into custody. they are expected to be in court early next week. the families also plan to hold a press conference next tuesday to talk about a civil suit and about the push for a new law that they said would address cases like hers. they say quote, it would have been her wish we could all learn from her unfortunate and tragic passing and somehow through lessons could provide change, an avenue for hope, and a foundation for support and guidance. live in san jose claudine wong ktvu channel 2 news.
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6:33. in a story you will see only 2 a ten-year-old girl was sexually assaulted at an office building. ktvu obtained a video of the person of interest. he went there shortly after this week's alleged attack at a nearby office building. the girl was at the office for counseling. her therapist let her walk downs hall to the restroom as he unlocked and opened the door a man came up behind her. followed her in and molested her. the victim's family questions why she was left alone. >> having three daughters myself, i would not let that happen. >> that was the child east uncle. he did not want to show his face to protect the girl. the suspect may have been a passenger in a tan car possibly a honda or toyota with an asian woman driving. the attacker is described as a
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slender asian man between 18-25 with a mustache and many facial moles. he walks with a limp and may be disabled. two -- lorraine blanco is at the railroad track where investigators call the death a tragedy that never should have happened. lorraine. >> reporter: good morning, tori. we talked with the alameda county coroners office. at this point they are not releasing the name of the teen killed in this tragic train accident. we did put a call into san lorenzo high school which across the street from the accident. we are trying to find out if the teen attended school here. the sheriffs department tells us the teenage victim were playing. around 6:45 yesterday is when the amtrak hit the boy. >> this is a very unfortunate
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incident. obviously the kids all over the community walk in this neighborhood on a daily basis. coming to and from practices. it's very important id kids will -- shep shut down -- 133 passengers and a handful of crew members were on board at the time of the accident. the amtrak did bring out a release crew. there was also members of the clergy. reporting live in ann -- final preparations are under way for the gun show at the cow palace. and the promoters expect another big turnout this weekend. the gun show has been very popular lately due in part to the concerns the recent push
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for tougher gun laws could lead to a crack down. also california lawmakers are considering a bill that would likely lead to fewer gun shows at the cow palace in the future. the u.s. senate will start considering new gun control legislation next week. that is after by a vote of 68- 31 the senate moved -- voted to move ahead with the gun control debate. some family members of the sandy hook school massacre they are on capitol hill. supporters say it will still be a struggle to get the 60 votes they need for actual gun control progress. time now 6:37. we go to sal. there is a major crash in san jose. where is it? what is going on? >> let me put it on the has been there all lanes are blocked traffic is getting by squeezing by in the center median. santa clara county sheriff is
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helping chp with traffic control. this is northbound 85 at highway 87. a vta bus and several other cars involved. the easiest alternate for you is to avoid 85 and use 101 instead. go up to 101 and use 280 or get yourself on 87 or get yourself on 85 past 87. the stretch between on 85 between 101 and 87 is not good. there is a major crash. southbound lanes are not effected but there could be rubber neckers in this area. let's move along to interstate 880. it's quiet here in oakland. there are no major problems. at the by bridge toll plaza it's backed up for a five minute delay. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. patchy low clouds around. not too much around the bay but it's tool to cold inland. a couple upper 30s and 40s under clear skies. it will be a sunny and nice
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day. clear and chilly for cold for some. 39 is cold. fog patchy fog near the coast this afternoon and then sunny and nice made to warm. snow to the north and rain and another line of severe weather. giants playing baseball in chicago today. but they better bundle up. 37 cloudy, windy. breezy to windy and a now be it looks like to the north and south. it's a pretty good line going through. for us fog on the coast but that is about it. 40s are really cool. 41 knapp ma. 41 novato. 45 san jose. livermore 44. walnut creek 47. 29 up in tahoe. 41 in ukiah.
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redding is 61. and for us we will be okay today and tomorrow. a system will move into the north and east of us. it looks like another wind pattern. hopefully not nearly anything we had on monday. it looks like the winds will crank up. inland -- generally about where we show. most receive time is 6:40. bay area baked goods will soon be available at a seattle chain. when starbucks will start selling products. plus no cars, no buses, trains, even bikes. just your feet. yeah san francisco putting its best foot forward for a first ever walk to workday. all plane lanes blocked in
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san jose. northbound 85 and 87. a major crash. we'll tell you the details straight ahead.
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good morning. happy friday. we do have some patchy low clouds around. generally it's clear and cold. we'll end up with sunny go mostly sunny skies. welcome back.
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good morning, to you. here's a quick look at some of the top stories. three teenage boys have been arrested in connection with a sexual assault of a saratoga high school student who took her life. she took her life days after someone posted a photo of the sexual assault online. pots parents say the teenager was drunk and unconscious when at least three high school boys sexually awe salted her at -- sexually assaulted her at a party last fall. suspected drunk driver is in the hospital after this frightening crash in east oakland. the driver of a volkswagen slam into that fire hydrant and then crashed into a nearby tire and brake shop. the driver suffered minor injuries. no one else was hurt. secretary of state john kerry says the rhetoric coming from north korea is unacceptable. kerry is right now in north korea. he is trying to find ways to
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diffuse the tensions between north and south korea. back here at home today is walk to work peat in frank. and san francisco is the very first city to celebrate. >> reporter: always the comedian. good morning, to you. san francisco is the the first city to officially launch a walk to workday here in the nation. we are live in front of mama r cafe where we are expected to speak with san francisco city supervisor john as he walks to work from city hall this morning. he is expected to been b here around 7:00 this morning. he won't be the only one. they will lace up their sneakers as they walk to work this morning. many walking from different areas and meeting the mayor at coffee rosters.
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for many walking to work isn't feasible. we reported to work that the bay area is one of the top cities for mega commuters. organizers say parking a few blocks away and walking for 15 minutes will also keep with the spirit of walk to workday as well. now besides the health and environmental benefits of walking today, you can earn prices and perks too. coffee shops are giving away free coffee and you can win prizes for the best blinged out walking shoes. all those details are available on the events website which is there will also be a press conference this morning at 9:30 at city hall where mayor ed lee is also expected to announce new pedestrian initiatives for people in san francisco. we will lace up our shoes and in my case my dress shoes. we will head to different locations throughout the city today. we'll be back on mornings on 2. live in san francisco i'm brian flores. >> thank you, brian.
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6:46. deputies in humboldt county are look for threw clues for who shot an arrow that injured a horse. she left her horse cash in a ifsture along -- in a pasture along eel river. when she went to check on her horse he was injured on the left hip. the veterinarian treating cash says he may not survive. bird enthusist in the north bay are furious. workers set up a net to protect birds in the area. but coming up at 7:05 why animal lovers say the netting may actually be causing more harm than good. time now 6:47. a member of the oakland raiders will not be charged with drunk driving. jacoby ford was arrested a month ago in oakland on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. the chp says ford was originally stopped for driving with tinted windows. a police officer said he smelled alcohol when ford got
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out of his car. but the alameda county district attorneys office says after reviewing the case it will not file charges. the second round of the masters golf tournament is under way and a young star is making mississippi mark. guan tianlang is 14 years old. the youngest competitor ever at the masters. shot a one over 73. better than bubba watson. tiger woods is tied for 13th. sergio garcia and mark leishman they are tied for the lead. 6:48. i want to check in with sal. there is a very serious problem in san jose. >> we just got word from chp they will open up the left lane. northbound 85 at 87 is what they said. northbound 85 traffic is slow. the alternate route is 101 no 280. or you can use the -- news
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chopper 2 is almost there. we'll have a live report from the scene. let's move along and take a look at westbound 237. much different scene here. at the bay bridge toll plaza we haven't had a big delay. it's only backed up for a short wait. 6:48 let's go to steve. sal, thank you. a little bit of fog around. mainly kind of chilly and cold this morning. just had a nice tweet from clint up in middletown. 36 degrees and leoy in clear lake said 39 degrees. patchy low clouds. they seem to be picking up a little bit. sunny and nice today. cool for some. mild to warm for others. it looks like another wind pattern. let's hope it'sing to compared to what we had just this last monday. it looks like a cooler pattern and wind will be cranking up monday into tuesday. expect for the fog it will be sunny and nice.
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if you enjoyed yesterday, you will like today. you can see some of that fog. it seems to be favoring san francisco south. some of it filling in on the marin coast. there is a north wind ons marin coast. upper 40s a few low 50s but much cooler this morning. you can see where everything is going right toward nevada. these systems are weak but a stronger one will be plunging in. that one bears watching. mostly sunny for wind for us. maybe show up in the sierra on monday as well too. if you are heading up there, keep that in mind. 60 ann 70s on the temps today. pretty close to average for this time of year. not much change saturday and a little cooler sunday. i think we get some clouds. maybe rain to the north and east. windy conditions for us early next week. ten minutes before 7:00 apple is agreeing to a settlement for failing to honor warranties on iphones and ipod touches. the agreement will cost apple $53 million.
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according to wired magazine. potentially hundreds of thousands of customers will receive cash payments for faulty phones not covered by warranties. individual payments should be around $200. it will soon be easier to pick up a tasty treat from la boulange. they will be available in all starbucks bay area stores starting next week. a a test in the local market their baked goods, sandwiches, and salads will be sold in starbucks throughout the country. time now 6:51. an incredible story. a store clerk very lucky to be arrive this morning. what he was wearing that stopped the bullet and saved his life. drivers could experience delays in parts of the south gate. the major construction project beginning monday.
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stocks appear ready to take a breather after an extended rally this week. a strong showing from u.s. bank which began reporting quarterly earnings. and lackluster retail sales aren't helping. taking a live look at the dow it's currently down 21. the nasdaq down seven. s & p down four. store clerk caught in the middle of gun battle very lucky
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to be alive. he was getting ready to take a hand truck outside when there was a shootout. he hit the floor. he had been shot but he didn't know it right away. >> i didn't feel nothing. >> you didn't feel anything? >> nothing. >> what caused you to look at your belt? >> i was checking out my body. >> later on somebody told him he had a hole in his shirt. then he looked at his belt buckle. a thin metal strip stopped that bullet. back here at home a search for a man considered armed and dangerous is expanded from marin county to santa cruz county. officials say he was seen twice outside of boulder creek. two different residents spotted this man tuesday and wednesday. you are looking at pictures from earlier arrests. sheriffs say he may be in one of two vehicles. a black audi or a green kia.
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both were stolen in the past couple of days. investigators say last friday that man stole a car in windsor and led deputies on a chase. but he was still able to escape after a very intense day long search. 6:55. an unintended baby left in a car by her mother is now in the custody of her father. this happened wednesday in san leandro. around noon several witnesses saw the unintended baby and called 911. remember it's pretty hot on that day as well. police say the mother robin chen was shopping. >> when they arrived all they heard is a baby crying. >> chen thought rolling the windows down would be sufficient to keep her baby receive. luckily the baby was not hurt. in court yesterday the judge ordered 30-year-old chen to have child safety counseling. and starting monday part of a gyre road in the south bay
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will shut down due to major road work on the bart extension to san jose. signs are posted along the road saying expect delays. crews will work from 7:00 in the morning to 7:00 at night monday through saturday and sunday if needed for up to nine months. cars heading in both directions will be diverted to one side of the road while crews work on the other. the project should be completed. the whole bart extension by 2017. sal has been telling us about a major traffic extension. what is happening? >> the transit bus involved. another transit bus has arrived to take those people away. northbound 85 right at 87 news chopper 2 is over it here. it's an injury crash that happened 25-30 minutes ago. northbound 85 it looks like a couple lanes are open and trying to get through. we do have a crew on the scene. we'll let you know more coming up. quickly let's go to the toll plaza. it's light. san francisco traffic also looks good as you drive through
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san francisco. now let's go to steve. thank you, sal. patchy low clouds otherwise cool to cold. we'll end up with sunshine today. 60s and 70s. more on your weekend forecast on mornings on 2. thanks, steve. coming up on mornings on 2 many bay area wild fire advocates are outraged. something that is supposed to protect birds is harming them. an arrest directly tied to a 16-year-old girl's suicide. you kids should count yourselves lucky.
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